In January 2018, leaders in the hydrogen industry will gather in Brussels, Belgium for the Hydrogen & Fuel Cells Energy Summit. The Summit is an opportunity for key industry stakeholders to explore the newest technologies, review policies and regulations, network, and discuss current economical impacts on the market.
At this year's Summit, Haskel has joined the speaker line-up to deliver a presentation, titled "Design approaches to prevent H2 induced crack growth in pressure vessels and the related changes in the ASME PVC Sec VIII, Div 3." Our engineering experts will touch on hydrogen embrittlement effects on high-cycle pressure vessels, limitations of current metallurgical approaches to reduce H2 embrittlement, and design methods to prevent H2 induced crack growth in pressure vessels.
Haskel will unveil an entirely new industry technology. Developed by our engineers in conjunction with the U.S. Army, the new technology is part of a Collaborative Technology and Research Alliance. The project has the potential to dramatically impact prices for those developing and operating hydrogen refueling stations.
Currently, hydrogen refueling station manufacturers are required to run tests and undergo an American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) audit to ensure that their equipment and corresponding refueling process does not result in hydrogen embrittlement. These tests can be costly for manufacturers already trying to compete in a growing market.
Haskel engineers dedicated time each week over the course of six months to solving this problem in the hydrogen marketplace. At the 2018 Summit, Haskel will share details of a new pressure vessel design that mitigates H2 embrittlement without the inclusion of exotic and hard-to-source metal alloys traditionally used for this process.
Haskel will also explain the changes that the ASME, the U.S. regulatory body for the pressure vessel market, has made to its testing and audit protocols as a result of the new technology. Eliminating the need for repeated testing, along with eliminating the alloys required for the metallurgical method for preventing H2 embrittlement, could reduce costs for manufacturers across the U.S. Haskel engineers hope to see similar regulatory changes across Europe and Asia over the next year.
Haskel, long recognized as a leader in the hydrogen market, is highly invested in compression technology research as well as research on the hydrogen refueling process, arguably the most challenging aspect of fuel cell technology. The company is excited to have a member of their engineering team speaking at the 2018 Summit.
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