Haskel High Pressure Technology
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New Orders & Partnerships: Investments in Hydrogen Continue Despite COVID-19

For several months now, global markets and industries have experienced major downturns and impacts due to COVID-19. Despite uncertain and changing landscapes during this crisis, the hydrogen market has shown resiliance. Members of the hydrogen market have continued to see acceleration and scaling up of existing projects, coupled with new investment announcements almost on daily basis.

During this time period, Haskel Hydrogen Systems has secured orders for a number of high profile projects contributing to increasing the global refuelling infrastructure availability. As our team prepares to partner with these top hydrogen indsutry leaders we’re also continuing to develop our product portfolio, launching a new system later this year.

Stay tuned for more updates about these exciting new projects. Subscribe to our blog.

Read more about the impact of COVID-19 on the hydrogen market in our latest blog. Read the blog.